I mentioned one of my goals for 2010 in my previous post, and while I do have many others, it turns out I have one big, over-arching photography-related goal for this year and that is simply this: to blog more. Why?  I realized that while I started my blog last spring and had all the intentions of being consistent with it, I didn’t end up sharing nearly as much as I wanted.  Part of it is that blogging required way more time than I originally anticipated, but now that I understand the commitment, I’m planning on sticking to it!  By blogging more, I’m also simultaneously accomplishing a few of my other goals, which are:

1) to really force myself to shoot more.  This is the perfect space to share my recent images, whether professional or personal, and I don’t think I’ve taken advantage of it nearly enough yet.

2) to write more, therefore reflect more (and, therefore, have more of a record of my year). While one of the main goals of starting my blog was to serve as a portfolio of my work, it was also to keep track of my progress, and to keep track of my life throughout the year. I’m excited to create a more complete photojournal for 2010.

3) to share more. I’m hoping this will open up a space where I can share more non-wedding photography related images. Where you’ll get to know more of me through my personal images and my descriptions (even if the writing is the part I dread the most!).

4) to really spend time on my own work instead of looking to others’ work for motivation. This is not to say that I won’t look to others for inspiration–far from it–but I’ve found myself guilty of wanting to be better than others than working on how to better myself. This is definitely a tough one, and one I will really try to get right this year, not just professionally but personally.

So, what does all this mean exactly? It means I’m hoping to start blogging at least twice a week this upcoming year. I know it doesn’t sound like that much, but for someone who has been slacking and blogging barely once a week or once every two weeks, it is quite the goal. It also means that I want all of you–readers and followers–to hold me accountable to this. Leave a comment, or send me an e-mail when I’m missing. Oh, and thanks so much in advance. :)

In addition to this, I do have some personal goals that I want to work on this year, one of which is to really practice gratitude. Back in December of 2008, I started a daily gratitude journal where I wrote five things that I was thankful for each day. I kept it up for a while, but slowly started getting less into it as the months wore on, and officially stopped writing in August. While I don’t plan to formally start up a journal again, I do want to continue the practice of reflecting on what I have, appreciating even the littlest things in life, and being more open and receptive of people. I remember my change in perspective when I was practicing gratitude, and it’s something I want to get reacquainted with. It really is that the more love you give out, more you receive in return.

And, lastly, a few photos to start this blogging train off.  For a change, these are photos not taken by me but by my brother, who kindly got some precious images of me with my nephew B on Christmas Eve.

Here’s to an exciting new year! :)


Great goals! Looking forward to seeing more of your blog posts! :)

Those pictures are precious! I’m looking forward to your more frequent blog entries and seeing more of your work. Super excited to have you be part of our special day in May!

AHHHHHHHHH B is so cute! Look at that last pic!

Happy 2010! Blogging IS a lot of work, but really very much worth it! Looking forward to reading more about your adventures!

Beautiful blog, amazing photos. Here’s a less idealistic reason blogging can help you, but let’s not deny it’s importance: searches, specifically, um, being found on them :). Every time you blog about something you’d like people to hire you for, you’re helping your exposure (NOT a photography pun, at least not intended). Let me know if there’s ever anything I can help you with in this regard, and best of luck on all your endeavors. Truly beautiful work.

Yay always great to have more blog posts! You can never blog enough! Which reminds me, I need to blog this week haha.

awesome entry! (complemented by awesome pictures)

in a way, i understand how really hard it is to keep a blog going. i only was able to when i lived at the homestay family’s house in shanghai where there was nothing to do. after i moved my entries sure did dwindle.

2010 is going to be an awesome year! cheers!

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