I spent one afternoon in Boston last summer with Mari and Rich for their engagement session. We started off in Fenway Park since they both love baseball (despite rooting for rival teams!), and then made our way to Copley to get some  shots around the square and at the Boston Public Library. Mari and Rich are so sweet and silly together; it was really such a joy to work with them and see just how much they made each other laugh. Fun behind the scene facts: we also stopped by a game hall to play some ping pong (they were so competitive with each other it was adorable) and somewhere amidst all the shooting they even managed to sneak their way into a free public dance lesson that was taking place in the square. Overall, this was definitely one of my more “eventful” engagement sessions, and I had so much fun! I’ll be sharing more from their wedding that took place at the Ballymeade Country Club soon!

boston engagement session copley squarefenway park engagement session in bostonsummer engagement session in copley square, bostonboston engagement session in copley squareboston summer engagement session in fenway parkboston public library engagement sessionboston wedding photographer - engagement at the public libraryboston public library engagement

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