2011 has been a special year for many reasons, but one that makes it most memorable for me is that I went from shooting weddings part-time to being a full-time wedding photographer. I wouldn’t be able to do what I do without all of the wonderful couples that I’ve had the chance to work with on their engagements and weddings. Thank you so much for your trust in my work and for opening up your lives to me. It’s been a year of sweet moments, immense love,  all-out celebration, and many, many special photographs, so I wanted to take this time to look back on some of my favorites from the year. I have some sessions from the last couple of months that I still need to share, but those will have to wait until I return from my holiday travels in January. Until then, you’ll see a few sneak peeks below!

If these images are any indication, it’s going to be a fabulous 2012…

Boston wedding at the Commandant's House - bride walking down stairsMaine apple orchard wedding Elm Bank wedding in Wellesley MA - ceremonyHarvard wedding at Adolphus Busch Hall - Cambridge, MABoston wedding at the Goethe-Institut - First Lookgrounds for sculture engagement session Boston engagement session in the Back Bayharvard cambridge engagement New Englad beach wedding at Manchester Bath and Tennis Club Boston wedding at the Commandant's House - father walking bride down the aisleWellesley engagement session new hampshire wedding at wentworth by the sea country club- bride and groom portraitsmit chapel wedding in cambridge ma - ceremonyElm Bank wedding in Wellesley, MA - bride and groom portraitsBoston beach wedding - tennis portraitsMaine backyard weddingCharles River engagement session in Cambridge - couple at sunsetSt. Gregory's wedding in Boston Boston Public Garden wedding portraitsharvard square engagement session grounds for sculpture engagement - smiling coupleBoston esplanade engagement sessionmassachusetts beach wedding at manchester bath and tennis clubcolonnade hotel wedding in boston back bay - bride and groom South End Boston engagement session boston esplanade engagement sessionsouth end boston engagement session - couple walking down streetgoethe institut boston wedding - best man toastboston public library wedding portraits - bride and groommit chapel and boston museum of science wedding - portraitsBoston wedding at Hei La Moon wentworth by the sea country club wedding in new hampshire - reception dancingBoston tent wedding at the Commandant's HouseBoston MA beach wedding - bride with flower girl

See you next year!


SO many beautiful images, but I especially adore the bride spinning around the child. The light/emotion is amazing :)

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