On a beautiful Sunday a couple of months ago, Sarah and Peter were married at St. Mary Orthodox Church in Central Square in Cambridge. While they also had a celebratory dinner later that evening, I was there to capture the earlier parts of day: Sarah getting ready, walking over to the church, the ceremony, and some beautiful portraits of her and Peter before we all went down to see the guests for drinks (and cookies!) in the church. It was such a lovely, intimate day, and so much fun to photograph a wedding just a few blocks from my own apartment! Here are some of my favorites.

Cambridge wedding - bride getting readyBoston wedding - bride getting readyCambridge wedding in Central Square - bride getting ready Eastern Orthodox ceremony at St. Mary Orthodox Church in CambridgeSt. Mary Orthodox wedding in Cambridge - Eastern Orthodox ceremonyCambridge wedding in Central Square - bridal portraitsCambridge wedding - bride and groom portraitCambridge wedding at St. Mary Orthodox Church - portraitsCentral Square Cambridge wedding at St Mary Orthodox Church

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