This past Friday night I went salsa dancing for the first time in what felt like forever.  MIT offers free beginner salsa classes each week and I used to be very good about going regularly.  Months ago I stopped though, for no particular reason–just the thought of going kept slipping my mind, and eventually the routine slipped from my schedule altogether.  But this weekend I was reminded of how much I loved learning it and surprised myself by actually remembering the steps.  It would be great to start up those classes again, but sadly this is the last season that MIT will be offering its free salsa lessons as the instructor is leaving Boston at the end of this summer.  Perhaps I’ll sign up for another class, but I’ll be visiting the clubs more often for sure.  Luckily, Boston and the area of Cambridge that I live in are hot spots for salsa lessons, clubs, and socials!

Back when I was in the still-fresh, I-love-dancing phase I signed up to help photograph MIT’s Ballroom Dancing Team’s 2009 Open Competition.  It wasn’t quite the type of event that I prefer shooting, but I definitely found it to be challenging and extremely helpful in practicing my timing.  The trick is to follow the music and release the shutter on the beats as opposed to in between, when the dancers are transitioning.  This is much harder than it sounds!!  Those dancers moved FAST!

It was definitely a cool experience, to see so many dancers from all over compete in one room.  It was also fun to check out all of the gorgeous dresses the ladies were sporting.

Let’s see if any of these fancy moves appear at any of my future weddings…!


These shots are great. I can see how difficult it is to capture these shots when the dancers are moving so fast! I love the movement, the poses and the colors!

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