I consider myself very lucky to know special people in Honolulu whom I can visit and ring in the new year with (for the second year in a row!). This time I had a week on Oahu and then made my way over to the Big Island for a few days. The time was spent kayaking, snorkeling, paddle boarding, hiking across craters and lava flows, exploring black and white sand beaches, watching numerous sunsets (including one ABOVE the clouds!), stargazing, and taking in the sunshine and oh-so-many incredible views. Such an amazing way to welcome 2012!

punalu'u black sand beach hawaii islandala moana honolulu hawaiipunalu'u beach and halema'uma'u crater big island photographyhonolulu view from diamondhead crater kcc market honolulu oahu hawaiiwaimea rock oahu photographymauna kea hawaii island photographymakalawena beach sea turtle makalawena white sand beach hawaii island sunset beach north shore and waikiki beach kilauea crater traillanikai beach from pillbox hike view


Gorgeous! Definitely a wonderful way to start 2012. :)

Jen! These are beautiful!! You have a travel photographer talent!!

Thanks! I love that surfer picture too. He spent a couple of minutes in that exact position..I believe he was praying to the ocean gods for a safe ride. Pretty cool to watch. :)

Wow, these pictures are great. I especially like the guy in the yellow kneeling with his surfboard.

Ah! These are incredible and brought so much warmth to my snowy morning!

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